Sometimes I get so annoyed, you know the kind where you think to yourself, if I just had a bat RIGHT NOW!!!! There are a few kids in my class that I thank the stars are in the B division. I think that the teachers spoke to us all and went, okay these are the semi-normals(cause I am talking about me) so they decreed they will be A's(I like the letter personally) then they looked at what was left, and thought shit what are we going to do with this lot. I personally could think of a few choice things for a few of them. I know that before months end I will somewhere, somehow be unable to refrain, and just smack them right up the side of thier pierced, copycat stunned, stunted little bodies.
You know the song, "HI my name is", there's would read "STupid" and "THE OTHERS"...
I normally try really hard to give people a chance, no really I do, but not this time. They are too much like tree stumps, to stupid to realize that they are offending people, hurting people and too cold inside to care.
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